Numbers – Analogue Clocks

Numbers – Analogue Clocks

Courses Info

Short and thick hand: hour hand

Long hand: minutes hand

Thin hand: seconds hand

Key Terms:

. O’clock → If the minute hand points at 12/0, the hour hand tells us what o’clock it is. e.g if the hour hand points at 5, the time is 5 o’clock

. Quarter past → If the minute hand points at 3, it tells us the time is quarter past whatever number the hour hand points at. e.g if the hour hand points at 4, the time is quarter past 4

. Half past → If the minute hand points at 6, it tells us the time is half past whatever number the hour hand points at. e.g if the hour hand points at 8, the time is half past 8

. Quarter to → If the minute hand points at 9, it tells us the time is quarter to whatever number the hour hand points at +1. e.g if the hour hand points at 10 the time is quarter to 11


Q1) What is the time?





Minute hand points and 12 and hour hand points at 1

A1) 1 o’clock

Q2) What is the time?

Minute hand points at 9 and hour hand points at just after 11

A2) Quarter to 1

Q3) What will the time be after 15 minutes?

  1. Minute hand points at 3 and hour hand points at just after 5
  2. 15 + 15 = 30 this is halfway through the hour so minute hand will point at 6 and hour hand will point at just after 5

A3) Half past 5


Metric System – is made up of metric units that are usually for length e.g mm, cm, m and km

Converting units:

  1. To convert one unit to another simply multiply it by the multiplier e.g to convert a length of 10cm to km divide 10 by 100,000 this is because the proportionality between cm and km is 100,000


Q1) What is 5000m in km

Proportionality between m to km is 1000, because km is a bigger unit divide by 1000 → 5000 ÷ 1000 = 5

A1) 5km


Q2) What is 9km in mm

  1. Proportionality between km and cm is 100,000 
  2. Proportionality between cm to mm is 10
  3. Km to mm is 100,000 x 10 = 1,000,000

      4. 9 x 1,000,000 = 9,000,000

A2) 9,000,000mm