Memory – Multi Store Model

Memory – Multi Store Model

Courses Info


Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968):

  • Proposed the MSM, which has two distinct stores:
    –     short term memory
    –     long term memory


Properties of the Multi Store Model:

Feature Coding (how the memory is stored) Capacity Duration
Sensory Memory Held in the same way it is registered Large capacity

Sperling (1960)

Brief – only a few seconds
Short Term Memory – stored by means of senses

– visual / acoustic

5        – 9 items

(Muller 1956)

– if not rehearsed, then 18-30 seconds

Peterson & Peterson (1959)

Long Term Memory Semantic

Baddeley (1966)

Unlimited capacity

Luria (1975)

Lasts from minutes, up to a lifetime

Bahrick et al (1975)


Strengths / Weaknesses of the Multi Store Model:

Strengths Weaknesses
·       Applicable – MSM is the first cognitive explanation of memory. Provides a greater understanding of how memory works ·       Reductionist – MSM model is oversimplified
·       Reliability – evidence for the existence of the separate memory stores (Murdock 1962, Serial position effect) ·       Lacks validity – Cohen (1990) believes memory capacity cannot be measured in terms of information, but rather by the nature of the information to be called
·       Supported by amnesia cases – patients either lose their Long Term Memory or Short Term Memory ·       MSM describes memory in terms of structure – the three memory stores and processes

Exam Questions

  1. Describe and evaluate the multi-store model               (16 marks)
  2. What are the properties of the multi store model?
  3. Compare the strengths to the weaknesses of the multi store model