Blake Moulton Grid
Blake Moulton Grid
Blake Moulton Grid
3.2.1 Understanding management, leadership and decision-making
This managerial grid model is a style leadership model developed by Robert R. Blake and Jane Mouton in 1964. The model highlights that there are different management or leadership styles that managers focus on. For example, some managers are more task-focused while others are more team focused.
Country Club Style
High People: Low Task – Here the leader has a high concern for people, but a low concern for the task.
Impoverished Style
Low People: LowTask – Here the leader has both a low concern for people and a low concern for the task.
Middle-of-the-road Style
The Middle-of-the-road leadership style is in the center of the grid and shows balanced concern for production and people. Employees are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with their jobs, and their performance is standard.
Produce-or-Perish Style
Low People: High Task. Here we see a high focus on the task with little concern for people. This style is associated to the autocratic leadership style.
State and explain the four different management styles identified in Blake’s grid? (8 Marks)